The brand new Treat Me Well steering group is a group of 15 people with a learning disability from across England and Northern Ireland who advise Mencap’s Campaigns team on how to make the Treat Me Well campaign as strong as possible.

Three pink speech bubbles with icons in them. One with speech bubbles, the next with a clock and the last with a piece of paper.


The group will hold us to account and challenge us to maximise inclusion of people with a learning disability in the campaign.

They will also support us to design accessible campaign materials and advise us on strategic issues to focus on. The Treat Me Well steering group members will be paid for attending meetings and will meet three times a year.

Challenge unfairness

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Steering our strategy

The group will feed into strategic decisions on the direction and focus of the Treat Me Well campaign, including the latest issues arising from our local campaigning and what to focus on nationally.

They will also advise on accessibility and quality of Treat Me Well campaign resources such as empowerment resources and campaign videos. 

Woman stood at podium with a microphone making a speech.
White space

Challenge unfairness

Sign up to receive updates about our campaigning work to help change the lives of people with a learning disability. 

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